WW3 Timeline Schooling

 6000thyear.com - by Bill Weather

On 6/25/21 I dreamt I was I Philadelphia, at my old high school. I'm strolling thru the front of the school and see a band playing music. I observe the lead signer is good, the lead guitarist is excellent,  but the drummer is too soft and needs to step it up and be more of a presence.

I also see a soloist who is playing a unique instrument I never saw before. He's blowing through what appeared to be a horn , but more like a keyboard with keys.

I then cross the street and walk up to the JR High school I used to attend, but in between the high and Jr high, I run into 2 boys. They want to do me harm, but I show them the hammer im carrying and then they become friendly. They have plans to go to high school, but I tell them they will not graduate high school before World War 3 comes. 

Then I go to the top of the hill back to the other side of the street and the principal of the JR High  is there. She is dark and telling me not to tell the students world war 3 is coming. EOD.

Interpretation - The first part of the dream, with the musicians is describing in musical metaphor, the condition of my ministry. It sounds good, but as the drummer was not loud enough, so too is there a presence in this ministry lacking in being heard. It is a very unique calling, just as is the instrument I've never seen before by the soloist.

Across the street, the 2 boys wanting to do me harn signifies their hate towards this word, but I had a hammer of the Spirit in my hand that put them in check, showing their need to be disciplined and the strong authority of this word.

The 2 boys were in between the high and jr high. The date of the dream indicated school was out for summer vacation and they were about to enter into high school, as is in the date of this dream, near end of June, 2021

This presents a timeline because high school is 4 years long and ww3 would come before they graduate, near the end of June, 2025.

Up the hill, the dark principle telling me not to tell the students WW3 is coming is a resistance to this true prophetic word by authorities. 

With other signs pointing to 2025 for WW3, here is another to help us keep a watch and to prepare.


  1. I accidentally erased the original blog of this dream, so had to more recently repost it.


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